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Working together, with Jesus beside us, to achieve our full potential.

The link above will take you through to our most recent SIAMS report. Please take a moment to read it – we are very proud of it and what it says about our school.

In summary, the inspection found that:

  • The Christian vision has been carefully crafted to meet the context and needs of the school. It drives every decision and action and its ambitions are far reaching. As a result, pupils and adults are ‘shining lights’ in the community.

  • There is a deep understanding of spirituality here. Opportunities for meditation within worship and the curriculum enables all to experience moments of quiet contemplation which enriches their lives.

  • Worship is at the core of the life of the school and is highly valued. The wide variety of offered experiences ensures it is inspiring and transformative on the spiritual development of adults and pupils. Its impact goes beyond the school building.

  • The exemplary behaviour of pupils is shaped by a positive culture which has the Christian vision and associated values at its centre. Respect, kindness and forgiveness resonate through relationships. Consequently, this is a happy and thriving place to be.

  • Pupils are valued and their voice is heard. As a result, pupils believe they can make significant and positive changes and have a responsibility to do so.

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